ICEA and National Louis University hosted internship program “Trends in Education and Social Work in the U.S. Higher Education: Sociocultural Dimensions” Ukraine – USA, online (April 5 – May 10 2021) The program was co-developed and organized by Larisa Koval,…
Category: Programs
ICEA Presents Program “ Trends in Education and Social Work in the U.S. Higher Education: Sociocultural Dimension ”
The International Cultural and Educational Association (ICEA) has launched a new online educational internship program: “Trends in Education and Social Work in the U.S. Higher Education: Sociocultural Dimension”, created by professor Larisa Koval, president of ICEA, and co-organizer from NLU, professor Antonina…
ICEA and Open World hosted Media Literacy Program, Chicago, IL
ICEA and Open World present Media Literacy Program Nov. 15-23, 2019 Chicago, IL
Ukrainian Leaders Examine Media Literacy in Round Lake, Illinois, and surrounding areas. The Open World Leadership Center, an agency of the U.S. Congress, will send a delegation of Ukrainian Journalists to Round Lake, Illinois from November 15-23, 2019. The delegation…
ICEA hosted an Open World Program “Women in STEM Education”.
ICEA hosted an Open World Program for Municipal Leaders from Georgia
ICEA welcomes Open World Delegation from Georgia

International Cultural Educational Association (ICEA) welcomes Open World delegation in accountable governance from Georgia. The delegation consists of five professionals accompanied by a bicultural facilitator, and a bilingual interpreter: Chkhikvishvili, Marika, Deputy Head, Georgian Dream Faction at Ozurgeti Local Council…
ICEA announces Inclusive Education Program (Chicago-Sarasota) November 3-13, 2018
ICEA (International Cultural and Educational Association) is inviting you to take part in the cultural and educational program of Inclusive Education. The program will take place in November 3-13, 2018 in Chicago, IL and Sarasota, Florida. Participants of the program will…
ICEA hosted an Open World program for English Language Teachers from Ukraine
ICEA conducted a program in Georgia and Florida

The International Cultural-Educational Association (ICEA) in partnership with Ternopil National Economic University hosted a group of Ukrainian college educators and law professionals during February 08 – 21, 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia, in Orlando and Miami, Florida. The program provided presentations…